JavaFX 3D Tutorial #8 – Lighting with PointLight and AmbientLight

In this chapter, we will see how to add lighting to the JavaFX 3D. Lighting is one of the most important parts in 3D application development since it decides what should be visible at...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #6 – Textures with Diffuse Map

In this chapter, we will talk about applying textures with diffuse map. In 3D programming, texture is one of the most important parts because it provides that actual look and feel of an object...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #11 – Bump Maps for Wringles

In the last chapter, we saw how to create glowing objects with self illumination. In this chapter, we will see about bump mapping in JavaFX. Bump Maps According to Wikipedia, Bump mapping is a computer graphics technique...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #1 – Introduction to 3D development

This is the the first chapter of JavaFX 3D Tutorial. JavaFX provides an easy to use 3D API. It provides GPU based acceleration and hence can make use of latest powerful hardware. In this tutorial...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #3 – 3D Object Transform (Rotation) with Keyboard Input

In this chapter, we will talk about applying transformation on the 3D objects. JavaFX provides following transforms Affine Rotate Scale Shear Translate For now, we make use of Rotate transformation. All the transformations can be...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #2 – Camera Systems

By default, JavaFX provides a camera that allows to view the world from the negative z position. When we have to look at the world from our own angle, we need a custom camera. JavaFX...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #7 – Reflection with Specular Map

In the 6th chapter, we talked about giving wooden texture to the object. Today, let us see how to give reflection to surfaces in JavaFX 3D. JavaFX provides option to specify specular maps as...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #4 – 3D Object Transform (Rotation) with Mouse

In the previous chapter, we saw how to do the transforms with keyboard input. In this chapter, we take it a step further. Today, we will talk about JavaFX 3D Mouse Control implementation. Giving...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #10 – Self Illumination

In JavaFX 3D, you can make use of self illumination maps to provide glowing effects for objects. Self illumination allows to add extra details for the objects. Self Illumination Map Self illumination map allows to add...

JavaFX 3D Tutorial #12 – Depth Buffer

So far, we have learned about the basics of 3D. We created 3D objects, prepared detailed textures, worked with animation etc. In this chapter, we will talk about the requirement of depth buffer. What is...