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JavaFX Communication Between Controllers

When you begin with JavaFX, one problem you might come up with is the communication between different controllers to communicate between scenes. In this...

Flutter TextField Tutorial

TextField widgets are used for reading text inputs, like username, password, phone number, email address, etc. from the keyboard. They are one of the...

JAR to EXE : Java program to Windows executable

Java is the best programming language available today that works across different platforms. I love Java and JavaFX. Once you finish writing your application,...

C++ Program to Exchange Values of Two variables using Pointer

C++ program to exchange values of two variables (Swapping) using pointer. This program uses a function called exchange(int*,int*) that takes two argument as integer...

JavaFX Material Design : Setting Up and Making Login Application

One problem I have faced when developing java applications was the old look. Even after the introduction of Nimbus look and feel, the user...

JavaFX Complete Project Tutorial : Building Material Designed Library Management Software

Programming can only be learned properly with continuous practice. When you work on a complete software project, you'll have to understand how to put...

Fake (Photoshopped) Image Detection using Machine Learning

Fake Image Detection using machine learning is a neural network based project written in Java with JavaFX that helps to identify tampered / faked...

Android App for Teachers with Source Code

In this post, I am going to introduce an android application for teachers. Android is the ideal platform for developing such an application due...

How to fix ” Permission denied (publickey) ” issue in Gitlab

When you try to clone private repositories for the first time from an account, you may get following error. Permission denied (publickey). Permission denied (publickey) fatal :...

How to make Navigation Drawer (Side Panel) in JavaFX – JavaFX Drawer

Navigation drawer provides an intuitive way to keep main navigation controls of the UI clean. The drawer will only be made visible to the...

JavaFX Application Icon Setup

All programs require a nice-looking icon or logo on the taskbar and the window to make it look professional. JavaFX provides easy ways to...

ASCII Code for Characters in C++ program Source Code

In this tutorial, I would like to post a visual c++ console application source for a program that displays ASCII values as a table....


Building Real-World Microservices with Spring Boot 3: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the world of microservices using the latest Spring Boot 3 framework. We'll create a real-world video streaming app,...

Dart/Flutter code highlighting for WordPress

The WordPress's SyntaxHighligter Evolved is a great plugin for syntax highlighting. It supports a ton of syntaxes and has a lot of customization. However,...

Encryption and decryption in flutter

This tutorial explores the data encryption and decryption using the dart language for the flutter apps. We come across the requirements of encrypting and...

Flutter OutlinedButton Tutorial (2022)

An OutlinedButton is a button with text child and a border outline. It is also a form of TextButton with an outline. They are...

How to generate UUID in dart / flutter

Very often, we come across the need to have UUID. UUIDs are perfect for giving unique ID to objects and resources. In this tutorial,...