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How to fix “trying to overwrite …, which is also in package …” issue in linux
Let's see how to solve the problem of apt or dpkg failing to install packages due to errors like the following. This is happening...
Flutter TextField Tutorial
TextField widgets are used for reading text inputs, like username, password, phone number, email address, etc. from the keyboard. They are one of the...
Dart/Flutter code highlighting for WordPress
The WordPress's SyntaxHighligter Evolved is a great plugin for syntax highlighting. It supports a ton of syntaxes and has a lot of customization. However,...
Encryption and decryption in flutter
This tutorial explores the data encryption and decryption using the dart language for the flutter apps. We come across the requirements of encrypting and...
Flutter TextButton Widget – Usage and Examples
In this tutorial, we will explore the Button widgets available in the Flutter. Compared to the previous version Flutter2, Flutter3 has updated the button...
Flutter OutlinedButton Tutorial (2022)
An OutlinedButton is a button with text child and a border outline. It is also a form of TextButton with an outline. They are...
Flutter ElevatedButton Tutorial (2022)
In this tutorial, we will explore the ElevatedButton widget in Flutter. ElevatedButtons are, as the name suggests, buttons with a depth or elevation. They...
JAR to EXE : Java program to Windows executable
Java is the best programming language available today that works across different platforms. I love Java and JavaFX. Once you finish writing your application,...
How to add WebP thumbnail support on Ubuntu and Linux Mint
As of writing this article, on 2022 June, there is no default support for WebP images in the Ubuntu/Linux Mint file explorers. As a...
Java WebP Image Support – Read and Save WebP Images
WebP is a new generation image format developed by Google exclusively for the Web. It has both lossy and lossless compression support. When compared...
How to generate UUID in dart / flutter
Very often, we come across the need to have UUID. UUIDs are perfect for giving unique ID to objects and resources. In this tutorial,...
Java JFrame Tutorial
JFrame is a java swing container that can be used to create application windows. JFrames are the top most container in the swing applications....