UUID in flutter

How to generate UUID in dart / flutter

Very often, we come across the need to have UUID. UUIDs are perfect for giving unique ID to objects and resources. In this tutorial, we will see how to create UUID in dart for...

How to create excel files in Java

In this tutorial, we will explore the Java spreadsheet support and learn how to create Microsoft Excel .xlsx spreadsheet files using java program. For handling Excel files, we need to make use of the...

JavaFX Complete Project Tutorial : Building Material Designed Library Management Software

Programming can only be learned properly with continuous practice. When you work on a complete software project, you'll have to understand how to put things together and how to implement data communication between various...

Find Perfect Domain Name with Domain Suggestion Tools

We all like to have a short yet meaningful domain names for our website or blog. But searching for available domains on GoDaddy or Big Rock is very time consuming and frustrating. In my...
Java GIF Tutorial

Create animated GIF from multiple images in Java

In this tutorial, we will learn how to programmatically create animated GIF by combining multiple images in java easily. We will make use of the library gifencoder for this purpose. Add the 'gifencoder' library to...

Flutter ElevatedButton Tutorial (2022)

In this tutorial, we will explore the ElevatedButton widget in Flutter. ElevatedButtons are, as the name suggests, buttons with a depth or elevation. They will stand on top of the container with a shadow....
APT/DPKG error because of fileoverwrite

How to fix “trying to overwrite …, which is also in package …” issue...

Let's see how to solve the problem of apt or dpkg failing to install packages due to errors like the following. This is happening because the new package you are trying to install is...

How to update all WordPress post content URLs with SQL

Updating all the URLs and resources in the WordPress site after migrating to a new domain or migrating to a domain from IP address is a painstaking task. Luckily, there is an easy way! In...
Spring file downloader code with example

Downloading a file from spring controller with spring boot

Sometimes, we will have to provide rest API endpoint for downloading certain files. In this article, we will see how to provide an option to download any file from a java spring rest API...

JavaFX Custom Shaped Buttons

JavaFX provides effective ways to customize the shape of most of the components. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set a custom shape for the JavaFX Button component. Creating custom shaped buttons We can...
JavaFX Checkcombobox controlsfx

JavaFX CheckComboBox

JavaFX CheckComboBox is a special UI control provided by ControlsFX. It is used for giving option to users to select more than one item from a Combobox. It is an extremely useful component you...
Flutter for desktop tutorial

Create your first flutter desktop application – Flutter tutorial

Flutter is the new developer-friendly cross-platform open-source framework developed by Google. The flutter community is growing and as of 2022, with flutter 3, it is stable for Android, iOS, Web and Desktop platforms! Flutter...

Temperature Monitor Prorgam using JavaFX

Today i am going to show you how to create a system temperature monitor program in JavaFX. This program use Line Chart from JavaFX library. In order to get the temperature readings, i have...

JavaFX Get Screen Size

JavaFX provides an easy option to get screen dimensions (screen size) of all the monitors connected. This can be done using the javafx.stage.Screen class. Get Screen Size of Primary Monitor import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D; import javafx.stage.Screen; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class Main...

How to make Navigation Drawer (Side Panel) in JavaFX – JavaFX Drawer

Navigation drawer provides an intuitive way to keep main navigation controls of the UI clean. The drawer will only be made visible to the user on certain actions like button click so that we...

How to Add Facebook Page Plugin to Your Website or Blog

Facebook is currently the best place to promote our websites. It is always a better idea to start a dedicated Facebook page for your blog or website. You will be astonished by the amount...
Dart syntax highlight for Wordpress

Dart/Flutter code highlighting for WordPress

The WordPress's SyntaxHighligter Evolved is a great plugin for syntax highlighting. It supports a ton of syntaxes and has a lot of customization. However, when I started making flutter tutorials, the plugin did not...
JavaFX Application Icon Tutorial

JavaFX Application Icon Setup

All programs require a nice-looking icon or logo on the taskbar and the window to make it look professional. JavaFX provides easy ways to set up an application icon using any image of your...

JavaFX Animation Tutorial with Examples

In this article, we will have a deep look at JavaFX Animation. JavaFX provides easy to use animation API (javafx.animation package). There are some predefined animation that can be used out of the box...

How to Create Barcodes as Batches (Bulk creation)

You can create barcodes for any alphanumeric combination using Zint Barcode Generator. Download Zint Barcode Studio From http://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/. It is available for both windows and Linux. Generating One Barcode at a Time Open The Software and Type the Data...